Extreme Case
- From the image, released items are only available for orders placed before 11:00 on July 28, 2023 (First-day First-hour orders).
- In this case, it means Hot Toys only releases a very limited quantity, and we can only fulfill first-day, first-hour orders.
- Orders placed after the first hour must wait for Hot Toys to release the next batch before we can ship them. Shipping times are based on when Hot Toys officially releases the next batch.
- According to our preorder definition, if the next Hot Toys release includes orders placed only on the first day, it will still be considered the first batch. Please note that orders from the third day (July 30, 2023) will be classified as the second batch.
In this situation, Even if you purchased the first batch of the JOKER from our website, due to Hot Toys' release being available only for orders placed before 11:00 AM on July 28, 2023 (First-day First-hour orders), the limited supply means we are currently unable to fulfill all first batch orders. We will ship according to the order sequence, and as Hot Toys releases more batches, we will continue to fulfill orders from the first batch in the order they were placed for customers who ordered later.